Wildlife Health Ghent is involved in various courses within the Master of Veterinary Medicine (UGent). A first course called 'Additions in the Diseases of Wildlife' gives the students an introduction to nature conservation where concepts such as One Health , Conservation Medicine and the role of zoos and veterinarians in the conservation of certain emblematic species is discussed. In addition, an introduction is given to some basic concepts of importance for wildlife research, the different types of disease surveillance and the needs and pitfalls of detecting diseases in wild animals. A number of important diseases in wild animals in Europe are discussed as typical examples.
A new elective course has been available since the academic year of 2023-2024 called 'Wildlife & Conservation' for final year students within the Master of Veterinary Medicine. This major aims to provide future veterinarians with a theoretical and practice-oriented foundation around the conservation and health of wildlife. The focus lies on the One Health concept, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary and international collaborations.
Both courses can be found on the Ufora webpage of the University of Ghent.